memes X propaganda.

Memes are beautifully funny ways to convey messages, they’re easy to make, and they spread like wild fire if enough people like them. With their widespread social appreciation and viral nature, can they be used for more than simple comedic, internet entertainment?

The Government is attempting to lift their meme game, they know that dank memes speak to the people…

Not to mention the CIA, which has a “proposed meme warfare centre”. Like what?!?! The CIA is going to be producing rare pepe’s??

This begs the question as to whether memes have the capacity to generate propaganda. With their widespread use, admiration and their capacity to reach an audience quickly, it would make sense as to why institutions like the CIA would want their power.


Stay Curious,



Author: rubytoohey

curious. inquisitive. thinker. creator. student.

7 thoughts on “memes X propaganda.”

  1. Hi Ruby!
    I loved the video in your post this week and in all honesty if Australian government started using memes for their propaganda I would pay a lot more attention than they already do. I found this in the mail a few weeks ago where both elections in France and Delhi were infiltrated by memes and I think it’s definitely worth the read because this is for sure the start of something new in governments.
    Can’t wait to see what else you have in store!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, I totally agree with your point, governments could engage with the society they are in charge of more through this sort of medium – it would certainly be more interesting. I’ll be sure to give that link a read, cheers xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Ruby!
    I found reading your blog post super interesting! I love how informally and casually written your blog post is, it makes the whole post so engaging & relatable! The youtube video that you included tied well with the topic and your post in general! It’s crazy how much meme’s have evolved and to even think the government would be even discussing them is insane! I also loved your example of the CIA’s unpredicted meme warfare tactic. It’s crazy to think how much power is behind a single meme, especially in regards to using them as propaganda. The conclusion to this post really made me think about how much propaganda they have the potential to create! Overall really great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Ruby, I really enjoyed how casually written your blog was, it make everything super easy to follow and to understand. You also included heaps of visuals to demonstrate your point, which is great for people with short attention spans like me. I think it’s so interesting that memes are so powerful, especially when I think about the number of memes I see and engage with on a daily basis. I also think the power these memes have is greatly underestimated, as people may not realize the impact they have, as they are read and interpreted in such a fast paced manner. I would of loved to of read more about propaganda, with some examples, but overall it’s a great post! 🙂


  4. Yo RUBY,
    Aren’t meme’s and propaganda the same thing? within your post you talk about meme’s being used for propaganda but isn’t propaganda just marketed ideologies? Maybe focus on how they are one in the same but compare it to how meme’s primary focus was once just satirised humour.

    Liked by 1 person

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